Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall Is In The Air.

Well it seems just like yesterday, the kids were just getting out of school, now they are all back in, so far so good no real complaints. I was thinking last night it's time to start Halloween costumes, especially if I have to make them. Trying to figure out costumes for 4 kids is crazy, the older ones don't want to get made fun of, they want something more grown-up, not the traditional "baby" stuff and the younger ones change their minds every other minute. I think I may have convinced the younger ones of what I think they should be, but the older ones are proving to be a challenge. I'm not so sure this getting older stuff is worth it. Some days I want to go back to when I could convince them of almost anything. I'll let you know what they decide as it gets closer. I know it seems like a long time, but it will be here before we know it. The it's all downhill until after Christmas (Only 17 weeks to go :) ).

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