Saturday, August 22, 2009

First Week Done

I am very happy to report that the first week of school has went pretty well for all. They seem to like their classes and teachers for the most part. DaNell seems as if she is already excelling and taking on every challenge as it comes, Taylor is also doing well, he needs to work on not being so social all the time, but he assures me that he will work on it, Schydi's teacher says she is a "motor-mouth" and that she is already making it very hard to get mad at her cuz she's just so darn little and cute :-D, and Leyton is doing very well this year at Pre-school too, he is staying without any tears. Last but not least me, I am also adjusting well to having 2 hours a day alone. I love watching them grow and succeed with new challenges.
Here's to another great week!

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